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Saab completes operational training of 巴西ian pilots to fly Gripen

The last four pilots completed the Delta Conversion Training at the Swedish 空气 Force, which included theoretical and practical classes, 还有模拟飞行.


The last class of operational pilots responsible for the deployment of the F-39 Gripen in the 1st 空气 Defense Group (1st GDA) of the 巴西ian 空气 Force (FAB), concluded the Delta Conversion Training on June 13th at the Gripen Centre, located at the F 7 Wing in Såtenäs, 位于瑞典西部地区.

The course, conducted by the Swedish 空气 Force’s Phoenix Squadron, is divided into two stages. 转换培训, with a duration of 11 weeks and 50 flights per pilot, covers the basic operation of the fighter jet in both solo and formation missions during day and night periods. The Combat Readiness Training includes 25 flights over approximately nine weeks, exploring the air-to-air combat capabilities of the fighter, 包括使用导弹, 大炮, 还有人机界面, one of the main features of Gripen.

"The Phoenix Squadron is dedicated to the training of Gripen pilots, and we are equipped appropriately for that, 包括飞行模拟器. The 巴西ian pilots are highly trained and come here with extensive operational experience, 从F-5M和AMX单位. They quickly learned about the operation, 配置, 和鹰狮的飞行," revealed Major Richard Carlqvist, 凤凰中队的指挥官.

The Gripen Centre serves as a hub for training pilots who will fly Gripen, both from foreign nations and the Swedish 空气 Force itself. 在整个课程中, 学生们在鹰狮C/D上训练, with single and twin-seater 配置s respectively. Despite being a different Gripen fighter than that acquired by 巴西, this experience is essential as it helps pilots understand the system, 运作模式, 以及飞行控制, considering the similarity in some aspects between these different Gripens.

"After being adapted to Gripen C/D in Sweden, our pilots will undergo their conversion to Gripen E entirely in 巴西, using the resources already available at the 1st GDA, mainly through the planning stations and flight simulators. The courses will be conducted within the scope of the 1st GDA and taught by selected Swedish pilots who will remain at the Anápolis air base as flight instructors. They work together with the 巴西ian pilots on the conversion and operational deployment of the aircraft," explained Lieutenant Colonel Aviator Gustavo de Oliveira Pascotto, GDA第一团的指挥官.

In this binational program with large scale technology transfer, the interaction between the two countries is continuous and results in benefits for both countries involved.

"The cooperation between the Swedish and 巴西ian 空气 Forces is very good and takes place at various levels. We receive 巴西ian fighter pilots here in Såtenäs, but we also have a support group from our base in Anápolis, assisting the FAB in the introduction of Gripen E into service. Cooperation and discussions between the teams are excellent ,亚当·纳尔逊上校说, f7联队的指挥官.



The Gripen Centre at F 7 Wing has already received 17 FAB pilots. The current GDA第一团的指挥官, Lieutenant Colonel Aviator Gustavo, and Lieutenant Colonel Aviator Ramon Lincoln Santos Fórneas were the first FAB pilots to undergo the Gripen C/D course, 然后作为船长, in 2014. 下一个, three test pilots from the FAB´s Flight Test and Research Institute (Instituto de Pesquisas e Ensaios em Voo – IPEV), with Lieutenant Colonel Cristiano de Oliveira, 那时候谁还是个少校, became the first 巴西ian to fly the Gripen E, and now the training is concluded with the three groups of four operational pilots each.